New WhatsApp Business Bulk Sender with Multi-Device Support
You can Send
Button With URL /Link
Button With Phone Number
Or Button With Just Plain Text
Now Make your WhatsApp marketing More powerful with New BotMaster WhatsApp Sender With Buttons.
Creating a Bulk WhatsApp campaign has never been easier. Create and Schedule WhatsApp bulk sending campaign and automate you messages.
New WhatsApp business Sender or BotMaster is working more than fine. It’s given a new look and the overall stability of the software is improved. Buy BotMaster or New Business WhatsApp sender and take your business to next level.
One of the best in the market, Best part is service. they deserve the words. Good luck.!!
using it for more than 2 months now. Working smooth.. and exceptional service.
WhatsApp number filter is working very fine. fulfills my need. Would recommend it for sure .!!
i have been selling and using the product. So never found a better product i must say.
Use Auto reply to let your bot handle your normal queries and get a hassle free experince while chatting with your customers. Filter your Bulk Mobile number data in to WhatsApp ready data and start advertising today.
Set Auto reply rules as per your Business and let bot handle your business queries while you are away.
It now works with normal WhatsApp web and Multi Device WhatsApp Web.
With BotMaster Now Send Videos to all your customers on WhatsApp in one click.